Okay, what ever I did to my wrist is healing slowly but it is healing. Actually it is healing faster than I thought it would. Tendon injuries do heal faster than ligament injuries. I have been resting it, keeping it fairly straight, icing it, and taking anti-inflammatory meds.I knew that my EMT training would come in handy for something at some point. Well, besides allowing me to ride the band-aid wagon when I am told to get in the back. (I prefer the fire side to the EMS side. And I prefer riding the truck to the engine.)
So what have I been doing? Well, I have been playing with making a video for an idea I have. I want to do a recruitment video that can be posted on the web for the volunteer fire service in my county. And a friend has been working on one for the truck house and I have been going through my photos to help him out. Plus I have started one for my primary fire company.
And I have been catching up on my reading. I am almost out of books so that means I need to go to Borders this weekend. I can not run out of books to read. And that is saying a lot since I have a very large book collection and I do re-read my books. Actually that reminds me that I need to get together the books that I want to get rid of and take them down to the library. The local library has a book sale during our town's community days.
I have also been spending plenty of time on MySpace. Yes, I do have a MySpace page. It is a fun way to connect with your friends and meet new people. Quite a few volunteer fire fighters in my county and the surrounding counties have pages there. I have actually been reconnecting with a friend from my fire fighter 1 class who runs in my county but I never get to see her. And I have been able to meet other fire fighters that I would have never had the chance to meet.
I did try some knitting last night. But I did not try any sock knitting. Instead, I pulled out my Clapotis to work on since it is on larger needles. I only knit 2 rows but it didn't hurt so that tells me that my wrist is healing. But I am going to wait to pick up sock needles for a few more days.
Oh, I forgot one other benefit of MySpace is that I have been exposed to some pretty interesting music that I would have never heard otherwise. Right now, one of my favorites is a song called 'Crazy B***h' by the band BuCk ChErRy. Since the only version that they have up on the website is the explicit version be careful about clicking the link if you are at work or there are small children around. The song is a little on the raunchy side. What can I say, I like it. And I have been called that name a few times.