No knitting to report. I was out weeding Sunday and I did something to my wrist. I think when I was pulling out those never ending dandelion roots, I may have torqued my wrist the wrong way. I didn't realize that I had done anything to my wrist until I went to pick up something and realized that my wrist hurt.
I am pretty sure that it is a simple case of a minor tendon injury. It only hurts when I bend my wrist a certain way. It is fine when I keep my wrist straight. I am icing it and resting it. And I am not knitting right now. If it is still hurting by next Monday, I will go and get it checked out. If I go to the doctor's right now, the advice that I will be given is the same thing that I am already doing. So my theory is why go to be told to do something that I am already doing? Plus I have injured myself before and I know when to head to the doctor's and when to take care of it at home. I used to be a gymnast and wrist injuries were pretty common. So I do have a good background in treating my own injuries.
Ouch.... Hope it feels better. I am sure work was no fun today.
Posted by: Kitty Kitty | April 26, 2006 at 10:22 PM
Ouch! Take good care!!
Posted by: Ina | April 26, 2006 at 10:59 PM