I have been really good lately. I have not bought any sock yarn in a month! Amazing!! So according to the rules of the Sock Yarn Addicts Club, I am entitled to a gold star.
My wrist appears to be healed from what ever I did to it. So sock knitting has resumed. I have finished one of my socks for Sock-a-pooolza and I need to hurry up and knit the second one. I also need to email my person and explain that her socks will be a week or so late. Cross your fingers that constant sock knitting doesn't cause my wrist to start hurting again.
I finish my fire classes for the spring this coming Monday night. Yeah!! Three months off from formal classes. And on the fire side, things have been really, really quiet lately. That is when things get scary because when we get one it will be bad. (at least that is what the old timers say.)
And my new UPS driver is great. I have known him for quite awhile because he has filled in on this route before. But the best thing is that he is not only a really sweet guy but he is also a fire fighter at another station in the county. His station is just up the road abut 10 miles. And what he likes is that when he is out on this route, he knows that he can b***h about the idiots from the other companies and I know who he is talking about.
Glad your wrist is better - do take it easy! Risking additional injury isn't worth it.
Posted by: Ina | May 04, 2006 at 09:52 AM
Take it easy on the wrist - knit for short periods with rests in between. will you be celbrating you yarn fasting at S & W with a purchase or two?
Posted by: Linda | May 04, 2006 at 12:03 PM
Isn't a gold star so cool?
Reminds me of grade school when a gold star was the epitome of "well done"!
Posted by: trek | May 10, 2006 at 04:52 AM
I do love your gold star, so pretty!
Anyway I need to know if you finished your spring feet socks and I need your addy so you pal can send yours to you.
Posted by: Abigail | June 02, 2006 at 09:48 PM