Okay, just so everyone knows. I will not be at Maryland Sheep and Wool this year. I have class both Saturday and Sunday. I have a practical on Sunday for my truck ops class. Saturday will be spent doing drills between my 2 fire companies.
Saturday morning, my primary fire company has our apparatus check first thing in the morning. After wards, we will be packing the new hose line that we received under a federal grant. Oh joy!!! New hose line is no fun until it gets dirty.
After I am done at my primary fire company, I will be running home to shower and change into my uniform before I head down to the truck house. When I get down there, I am to start my my probie training. The assistant chief is going to be dropping off the information that I need to get started.
And Sunday is the practical day for my class. We will be throwing ladders all day. Oh joy!!! Now, I can throw a ladder but it is not pretty. Think about it, the shortest ladders are 14 foot roof ladders and I am not quite 5'2"... Are you getting the picture in your mind yet? Utility control is real easy for me since I can reach everything really easy.
Plus the written final for the class is Monday night. I need to study for this exam. And somewhere in the next month or two, I have a database to update with driving directions. I have finished the driving directions for my first due but I need to convert the driving directions for the neighboring fire district. I have their maps but they are written for coming from their fire house. Changing the info in the database will not be that hard but it is time consuming.
And yeah, I still find to knit. And I forgot that I have to add in time to go to the gym and for partying. I have started partying again after taking a looong break. My friends in the fire service like to party and it is time to go out and have fun again.
Oh, so close and yet so far! Sorry we won't have the chance to meet in person at MDS&W. I hope training goes well.
Posted by: Ina | May 05, 2006 at 02:14 PM
Oh no! Well, good luck with the exam, and with all the fun company stuff! I think you'll be okay with the ladder.
And knitting! Don't forget to knit this weekend! :-)
Posted by: MJ | May 05, 2006 at 03:32 PM
I will really miss you this year... Good Luck with the exam. :)
Posted by: Kitty Kitty | May 06, 2006 at 02:26 AM
But I bet you're doing really great! Keep it up lady girl!
Posted by: atpanda | May 09, 2006 at 08:36 PM