Here the my answers to some of the questions for SP 4. I will be breaking it out into a couple of posts. (I think.)
1. Are you a yarn snob? Kind of. Acrylics have their place. I prefer high end acrylics. I definitely avoid Red heart and other than Fun Fur I avoid Lion. I make things for kids using Encore. I go by how the yarn feels. I have to like the way it feels in my hand.
2. Do you spin? Crochet? I am trying to learn to spin. MJ, my secret pal from SP2, sent me a drop spindle for Christmas. I am still playing with it. I am planning on getting some lessons from a member of my knit group. I know how to crochet and I can teach it but I do not like doing it. (See Bron, you are special!)
3. Do you have any allergies? I am allergic to strawberries. So they are a definite no-no. I do not like the smell of cigarette smoke although I love the smell of smoke from a nice wood fire. I do not mind the smell of smoke from other types of fires except chemical. I am a volunteer fire fighter/EMT after all.
4. How long have you been knitting? I don't remember learning to knit. Since no one in my family knits,, the nearest I an figure out is that I learned to knit when I was about 5. We were stationed in Naples, Italy, and lived off base. My playmates were the landlord's kids since there were no American kids my age in the neighborhood. I did whatever they did including going to their nonna's house. I remember learning to do embroidery from their nonnna so that is probably where I learned to knit.
5. Do you have an Amazon or other on line wish list? Yes but I use it as a reminder guide of books and such that I am interested in at the moment. My tastes in books and music are very eclectic.
6. What's your favorite scent? (for candles, bath products, etc.) My all-times favorite scents are plumeria, jasmine, and lavender. Think tropical. The two perfumes that I wear the most are single note plumeria and jasmine scents from Hawaii.
7. Do you have a sweet tooth? Yes, either dark chocolate or sours. But I really don't need any. I do like exotic fruit flavors in candy but I find find these flavors at a local Asian market. But I will try anything at least once. Plus, I have 2 monsters that will eat any candy they can get. My nephew is always helping himself to my candy so he is the guinea pig.
8. What other crafts or do-it-yourself things do you like to do? You mean there is something besides knitting???? I do needlepoint, pulled thread, cross stitch, embroidery, applique, and quilt as the mood strikes me. Basically if it involves a sharp needle and thread, I can do it.
9. What kind of music do you like? Can your computer/stereo play MP3s? The only thing I do not listen to is rap. I generally listen to what is referred to as "world" music. I like Celtic music. iTunes and I are very good friends. As I am typing this, I am listening to Bono (drool) and the rest of the boys of U2 and Sting.
10. What's your favorite color? Or do you have a color family/season you prefer? My favorite color... okay, blue. Follow this link to see the shade of blue. But I am trying to avoid adding any more blue to my wardrobe/stash right now. Reds, purples, and pinks are also favorites. About the only color I don't like in large amounts is yellow. I tend to like brights. Just think tropical colors and jewel tones.
11. What is your family situation? I live by myself. But my family is close by. My parents and brother live within 15 minutes of me. And my favorite cousin lives less than an hour from me. I also have a seal point meezer (Siamese) cat who lives at my parents. She likes their fenced in backyard and sun room. My mother found her at the pound and was the one who adopted her but the crazy meezer decided from day 1 that she was my cat. So she stays at my parent's house while I visit several times a week to keep her happy.
12. What are your life dreams? Let me think about that one ad get back to you on it. Although it would involve live somewhere in the tropics, maybe Hawaii, and involve a gorgeous guy who is maybe part Asian or from a Pacific island. But I will get back to you on this one.
13. What are your favorite yarn/s to knit with? Cherry Tree hill silk and merino is my all time favorite. I also like Rowan Calmer, actually anything by Rowan, Koigu, and Manos. I also like handspuns.
14. What fibers do you absolutely "not" like? I do not like mohair. I do not mind it when it is part of a blended fiber so long as it is not the dominant fiber.
15. What is/are your current knitting obsession/s? Clapotis and fingerless gloves but I am about done with fingerless gloves as anything other than mindless TV knitting.
And just to add some photo interest, here are some photos of the crazy meezer in one of her favorite places - the back yard with snow. (She is shy and turns away from the camera.)
No she is not sitting in the snow in the one photo but on a rock.
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